czwartek, 25 kwietnia 2013

funny translations

The other day I as I was translating a recipe, I had a good laugh about a translation result I got from SDL Be Global automated translation service. The following sentence:

Halve the pears, remove the cores and slice thinly (peel on).

was rendered as:

Zmniejszenie o połowę gruszek, wymontować rdzenie i pokrój cienko (skórki).

This one was a really funny example of overall useful machine translation.

I found out that cutting board (deska do krojenia) becomes pokład cięcia or płyta do cięcia according to machine translation.

The phrase the risen dough was translated into zmartwychwstałe ciasto (rather than wyrośnięte ciasto)

SDL Be Global rendered
Prick the meat all over
Chuj z mięsa całego

No comment.

Other examples:
Instant Noodle - Natychmiastowy głuptas :-)

how I solved a problem

It took me almost an hour I guess, but I finally managed to fix a problem with adding terms to Multiterm. I would never have done it without google, though, and what you can find in it, it was enough to type the wording of the error message and I found the answer to my problem on the following website:

So the problem turned out to be caused by Java settings rather than my antivirus which I needn't have unistalled... But now everything works just fine, and even better :-)

środa, 24 kwietnia 2013

examples of successful machine translation

Yesterday I checked a phrase I had trouble translating. It was "uncomfortable feelings". After finding out how bing and google translate rendered this phrase, nobody will tell me that those machine translation services suck at translating! Check it out:

google translate - "nieprzyjemne uczucia"

bing - "uczucia dyskomfortu"

Could you think of any better translation for "uncomfortable feelings"? I don't think so!

The other day as I was translating in my Studio I came across the following source segment:
Reduce the heat and simmer covered for 15 minutes.

SDL Be Global Community offered the following:
Obniżyć temperaturę i gotować na wolnym ogniu (pod przykryciem) przez 15 minut.
while MyMemory plugin suggested:
Zmniejszyć ogień i dusić pod przykryciem przez 15 minut.

Both the machine translation services made no syntax mistakes. In fact, the style of the translated sentences is very elegant! I did not have to make any corrections (apart from adding pod przykryciem to one of the suggestions). My only problem was which suggestion to choose as they were both equally good!

czwartek, 4 kwietnia 2013


One of the things I have come to learn is that you shouldn’t get too depressed on the downside, or too excited on the upside – just keep plugging away. Eventually, good things happen.
 Albert Wenger